UAB Accreditation Tips and Tools — September 2021


The APR Study Guide has been revised! Please ensure your candidates are using the current 6th edition, found on the website.

The return of local study groups.

As the shock of the Pandemic has worn off and chapters and participating organizations adjust to the new normal, take a look at how you are offering study groups. Virtual meeting tools have made it easier to study in small groups. Sometimes small is better! The PRSA Madison Chapter, for example, is holding weekly Zoom sessions and reviewing 20 pages of the APR Study Guide each week. Three APRs lead the discussion with three candidates participating each week. This customized approach helps keep the discussion relevant and focused. Late summer and early fall are perfect for “back to school” promotion of your local study groups.

APR Online Study Course starts soon! Share with your candidates!

Learn with a cohort!  APR and APR+M candidates enroll and participate in the weekly web meetings and the self-paced curriculum in the APR Online Study Course. #APRPREP (Currently enrolled participants may join any cohort meeting as part of their enrollment. These meetings are free to enrolled participants.) There are 10, self-paced modules focused on the KSAs (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) identified for the APR Examination (APR and APR+M candidates take the same exam). In addition, there are weekly cohort web meetings where participants discuss the KSAs, share scenario practice questions, module notes, and case problem responses. Here is the schedule for the course. Please share this schedule with other colleagues interested in studying for and passing the APR Examination. APR Cohort Meeting Schedule

Exciting news from the National School Public Relations Association!

The National School Public Relations Association offered their first-ever study group session for members who are pursuing Accreditation. There was high interest (over 60 members) for the sessions so the organization is hosting another cohort study group this coming fall. This is a free service for members. For more information, contact NSPRA Communication Manager Rebecca Shaw at or call NSPRA at 301-519-1221.

Increasing interest through highlights.

Chapter highlights of Accredited members, even outside of APR month, can go a long way in spotlighting the chapter, the member, and the power of the APR.

Looking for a way to celebrate NEW APRs?

Check out how PRSA and FPRA celebrated Jackie Labrecque, APR, when she recently earned her Accreditation. The virtual event made the celebration both special and accessible. Easy to do, and honors APRs for their extraordinary achievement. Check it out here,

Have you checked your PRSA Chapter’s or Participating Organization’s APR webpage for accuracy lately?

Make sure you’re using the most up-to-date language. As a reminder, we have Panel Presentations (not Readiness Reviews) and we require Renewal to keep your APR (not Maintenance). Are you unsure of changes over the last couple years? Contact Kathy Mulvihill at PRSA and ask for a quick once over to your website page about APR.

Fielding questions about the APR Renewal process?

Information is available on the website about the switch to CEUs. Topics include: What is changing and when are the changes taking place? Why the change from points to CEUs and how do CEUs work? Why was an ethics requirement added?

Professional development opportunities at your fingertips.

Whether your travel budget is tight, or you are seeking continuing education and professional development credits, Universal Accreditation Board participating organizations offer resources to meet your goals. Below are links to on-demand resources to expand your abilities, strengthen existing skills and develop new talents.

Submit items for the APR examination!

The exams for the APR and the Certificate in Principles of Public Relations are refreshed on an ongoing basis, and any PR practitioner can submit items for consideration. A test item is more than just a question; complete items also indicate the correct answer(s) and incorrect but plausible detractors. Other elements include the relevant KSA and references from the APR list of recommended texts. Submissions undergo intense technical review before potentially being added as ungraded beta items to the exam.

  • Curious about how to write an item? Watch this instructional video before you get started.
  • Ready to submit an item? Use the online form.
  • Bonus! APRs who submit items can also earn CEUs toward renewal.