UAB Accreditation Tips and Tools — July 2020
More Ways to Continue the APR Prep Process During “COVID Times”
- Computer-based Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations Options: Remote and In-PersonAs of June 19, there are two ways to take the Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations (EAPR), either in a Prometric Testing Center or remotely through Prometric’s ProProctor application.
For a remote proctored examination, candidates must supply the computer with a camera, microphone and an internet connection and be able to install a lightweight app prior to the test event. ProProctor gives candidates 24/7 access, allowing them to test wherever and whenever it is most convenient.
For information about both options, see
- Virtual Panel Presentations
Consider Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting or another virtual platform to ensure the candidate’s hard work and drive for excellence isn’t overlooked. This is also helpful for smaller Chapters/local APR pools as you can invite APRs in other cities to join you too!
After the virtual Panel Presentation is complete, please scan and email the usual forms to
- First Vote Forms – one from each panelist.
- Second Vote Forms – one from each panelist (if taken).
- Summary of Candidate Performance – signed by all three panelists and “Advance” or “Not Advance” recommendation checked.
- Copy of candidate’s Panel Presentation questionnaire.
- Shift your timeline. Whether your APR program has already started or is about to begin, send a short survey to candidates and find the ideal time for them to resume the Accreditation journey.
- Dedicate unused funds. With cancelled programs and pricey venues now on hold, perhaps consider reallocating those funds to your APR program and help candidates with study materials or examination fees.
- Encourage studying online with the APR Online Study Course. It’s an ideal way to keep candidates engaged and studying at their own pace. (There is an additional fee for this course, however.)
- PRSA Chapters and participating organizations also can consider offering virtual APR JumpStarts or APR info webinars.
Ethics Training
APRs, looking for CEUs tied to free ethics presentations? Check out:
- “Leading With Ethics” – Sept. 8, 2020. Webinar (free to PRSA members). The role of trusted adviser is a critical component for the public relations professional. Effectively positioning yourself in this crucial role is a catalyst for your career. APRs may earn .5 CEUs toward Accreditation Renewal.
Details at:
- Other ethics resources:
- Ethical Voices – Created by 2016 PRSA National chair and longtime PR practitioner and volunteer s a weekly blog and podcast designed to share the real ethical challenges faced by real communications professionals. The goal is to educate, inform and inspire, and to serve as a practical resource for the 200,000 communications professionals that serve as ethical stewards of their organizations each and every day.
- Public Relations Ethics Training – The Arthur W. Page Center – Learn about ethics issues facing public relations practitioners today. With the help of scholars from universities around the world, you will get insights and information on important topics in the field via interactive modules, videos, real-world case studies and timely research to build your knowledge of and appreciation for ethics. At the end of each lesson, test your comprehension. When you complete the two lessons, you will receive a certificate for that module.
APR Maintenance Program Now Known as Accreditation Renewal; Switch to CEUs Also Made
As shared in the February 2020 Tips and Tools and through direct messages to current APRs, and after many years of benchmark comparisons with other professional education measurement systems, the Universal Accreditation Board (UAB) moved to rename the program “Accreditation Renewal” effective Jan. 1, 2019, and to adopt a more consistent Continuing Education Unit (CEU) tracking method, effective Jan. 1, 2020.
- A Switch to CEUs – As Accredited professionals must renew their credential and chronicle their commitment to the sound and ethical practice of public relations every three years, the UAB has established the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) as the unit of Accreditation Renewal.
- A CEU equals 10 hours of participation in approved training or other professional development activities. The CEUs will apply to APRs who start their renewal cycle Jan. 1, 2020, or later.
- A minimum of 15 CEUs is required for renewal over the three-year period; at least seven CEUs must be in continuing education and professional development along with one CEU in ethics.
- The ethics CEU is a new requirement in line with the professional code of conduct APRs espouse.
- All other APRs will continue tracking with the previous points system until their next renewal period.
- Timeline for Changes –
- APRs who need to renew June 30, 2020; Dec. 31, 2020; June 30, 2021; or Dec. 31, 2021, will use the Accreditation Renewal Application that is currently based on points.
- APRs who need to renew in 2022 or later, will use the Accreditation Renewal application based on CEUs.
- Questions? (We’ve had a few!) – Check our FAQs at: ( for topics including:
What is changing and when are the changes taking place?; Why the change from points to CEUs and how CEUs work?; Why was an ethics requirement added?; and other questions.
This infographic also sums up these key details: