UAB Accreditation Tips and Tools — August 2019

How To Advance Down the Path to APR

The upcoming PRSA 2019 International Conference, which takes place in San Diego, California, during Oct. 20–22, is the perfect way to learn about the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) tested in the Accreditation process, when attendees target the special session designations at the Conference. Encourage attendees from your Chapter or participating organization to look for the sessions marked with the APR logo, indicating they are the ones that will help candidates attain success in the Examination for Accreditation in Public Relations. For the latest program updates, visit the PRSA Conference website.

Back to school!

Fall is the perfect time to encourage practitioners to consider starting the APR process. To get candidates in the mindset, offer a one-hour “Back to APR School” seminar to your local participating organization chapter, or a lunch and learn. Gather the names of interested practitioners and help honcho some “study sessions” with an “end of semester” or “academic year” goal. Cohort groups help hold people accountable. Another option — join the fall cohort group of online students at  The online course starts Aug. 28, meets weekly (online) and covers the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) covered in the Examination.

Are potential candidates on the fence?

Make an informal approach with three good reasons for taking the APR: personal achievement, career advancement and becoming part of a unique professional network.
Five questions that you can ask of a potential candidate:

  1.  Have you created a full public relations plan from scratch?
  2.  Did the plan include measurable objectives that complement the organization’s objectives?
  3.  Were you involved in creating the communications strategy or in developing products?
  4.  Did the plan include a method to measure results?
  5.  Would you like to learn how to develop, lead and implement strategic communications efforts?

Since APR candidates have one year from application acceptance to complete the entire process, it’s important they are ready when they start. One way for candidates to assess their readiness is by reviewing the Panel Presentation questionnaire. If they feel they are close to being able to complete the questionnaire, they are ready to apply and begin the study process.

Did you know that APR is social?

Sharing APR Social Media Stories Boosts Engagement. An easy way to spread the word about the power and importance of earning the APR is by sharing Facebook and LinkedIn posts about the APR. Recent APR Facebook posts and LinkedIn posts have included interesting blogs from some new APRs about their journey to earning the APR — including tips for others considering the APR.